Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Trifecta :)

I've never claimed to know much about horse racing.  Last year, I had the opportunity to visit Ellis Park with "professionals".  I use that term in quotes because it wasn't so much that they were famous.  They just knew a hell of a lot more than I did.  And, that wasn't really saying a lot.  My strategy?  Pick the horse with the coolest-sounding name.  Forget the odds, I was convinced that "Beam Me Up Scottie" would surely take me right to the finish line and some fast cash.  Who cares if his odds were 75-1?  Have a little faith!  Yes, that horse's name is real.  Sometimes, I do "surf the net" for my information!  Anyway, my lack of knowledge regarding horses wasn't gonna stop me from betting the farm on "Ever So Clever".  Moral?  If you want to "win big", don't ask me for advice.  And, maybe you ought to just leave me by the buffet.  Now, THAT'S something I do know a lot, glorious food!

Anyway, horse racing affords one the chance to bet on the "trifecta".  Basically, the trifecta is a bet that involves the bettor predicting which horses will place first, second and third in exact order.  I'm sure the odds of hitting are pretty slim.  This is why you need your own "life trifecta".  I've discovered mine!  Now, it's time to discover yours.

The first piece of my"trifecta puzzle"?  Running.  Yes, I talk about running.  A lot.  Probably to the point that most of you wanna run right over me so I'll stop talking about it.  I can't help it.  It's become such a HUGE part of my life.  I'm addicted.  I can't get enough.  It's hard.  It's rough.  It's just plain ugly sometimes, but I've learned to push through all the pain, the hurt, the voices in my head telling me I can't.  Telling me I'm too fat, too lazy, too tired, too whatever.  I haven't yet gotten to my goal of running a half-marathon, but I'll get there.  Not every horse jumps out of the gate and is magically at the finish line!  And, not every bettor gets it right the first time around.  And, I'm certain that not every average, run-of-the-mill gal is able to run a half-marathon in 12 weeks.

The second piece of the "trifecta puzzle"?  A Mexican getaway.  I've always wanted to go to Mexico, but I've been leery.  Mostly of the flying.  Maybe a small part of me always thought I would be THE girl to go on vacation with my friends, step off the plane and be hog-tied and whisked away by the drug cartel!  Ha!  Then, all of TC would be glued to their TVs, watching poor little me making a plea for someone to come rescue me.  Sure, I'd act like everything was all "hunky dory", but I would have a signal telling you all of the horrible things happening to me, most notably not being able to shower and get on facebook :)  Well, this piece of the puzzle will soon fit perfectly.  Next Monday, I'm flying to Cancun with three of my friends for some much-needed R&R!  Paradise, here I come!  Don't worry, I'll send you a postcard.  That, I'm sure, won't get to you until after I'm back!  That's usually how it goes.  Hey, it's the thought that counts!  If you want a postcard from yours truly, send me your address.  If you don't receive one, alert the authorities.  I may be in a Mexican prison somewhere, forced to eat cans of SPAM, watch "Toddlers and Tiaras" and knit sweaters for the prison guards.

The third piece of my "trifecta puzzle"?  Going back to school and getting my bachelor's in nursing.  Granted, I already have my bachelor's in healthcare administration.  Hell, why not go back and get another one!  I'm not quite sure when I'll get the ball rolling on this one, but it will most likely be in the Fall.  I've had several people strongly suggest I get my BSN.  Not because they thought I needed it, but because they felt I could do it.  One person, in particulary, is a nurse who'll be retiring this year.  As much as I know she's ready to hang up her cap, I will really, really, really, really miss her and her wonderful wealth of knowledge.  She usually laughs it off and says I'll be fine when she's no longer working at the hospital.  I seem to think we'll have some really big shoes to fill once she's walked out for the last time.  I admire her many years of service to the profession and wonder if I can make it 35+ years like she has done.  I suppose, if I can get through nursing school and pass boards, then I can pretty much do anything.  Maybe even birth a 16-pound baby :)

What's your "life trifecta"?  I've told you mine.  If you haven't discovered it yet, go out and find three things that will drive you, make you want to be a better person.  Don't feel discouraged if you just start with one thing.  Find what you love and do it on purpose.  Once you've mastered that, find something else that makes you wanna get up every single day and be a better person.

Now, it's off to dream about Mr. Ed and all things horse.  I'll leave you with THREE of the funniest names I've discovered.

1.  Knock Your Socks Off
2.  Sir Kick-A-Lot
3.  Nimfo Noon

The last one?  Yep, it's real.  I couldn't make this stuff up, folks!  Okay, maybe I could.  After all, my mind is usually on a way-one train to "Gutter Town" ;)

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