Saturday, June 11, 2011

Runnin' Down a Dream...

Well, it's nearly summer and it has once again snuck up on me and my giant arse.  Ya know what, though?  I'm seven weeks in to the C25K program and I am amazed at how my booty is slowly, but surely, shrinking.  Who knew running would actually be beneficial!  I used to hate to run.  And, I used to hate the people that loved to run.  I'd see those dedicated "losers" out running in rain, sleet, snow and hail and wonder if they were smoking the crack pipe.  I'm here to tell the doubters this...GET OUT THERE AND DO IT!  One step at a time.  Seven weeks ago, I was barely able to talk after jumping off the treadmill.  Now?  I feel great!  I am up to running 25 minutes without stopping.  That might not sounds like a lot but, to me, it's HUGE!  And,  now when I'm finished, I don't feel like I am gonna fall over and die.  Running, and this program, has truly been one of THE best things that has ever happened to me.  Not only for the obvious health benefits (and, the fact that I think someone could start bouncing quarters off my derriere!), but I have gained oodles and oodles of confidence.  Believe me, if I can run, I can do anything.  Okay, okay, not anything.  I refuse to eat mushrooms.  Or, brussel sprouts.  Or, drink coffee or tea.  But, other than those things, BRING IT ON :)

So, I have almost conquered the C25K program.  I definitely was a big skeptic in the beginning.  I can't do this!  It's too hard!  I'm too fat!  I don't have time!  I'm so tired!  I'm so hungry!  I can't, I don't, I won't...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  I made a promise to myself that nothing was going to stop me from reaching the end.  Not being too tired.  Not being too afraid.  Not anyone thinking I couldn't do it.  I know I'm not the world's fastest runner.  I don't want that title.  I just want to be able to run and not die.  Exercise and not collapse.  Rise above the odds and keep going.  One mile at a time.

I'm a wee bit embarrassed to admit that, in the beginning, my motivation for wanting to complete the program went a little beyond just the obvious benefits of health and wellness.  I am a pretty competitive person.  If you tell me I can't do something or somehow doubt that I can do something, then I'll do it.  And, do it way better than ever imagined.  So, that was my motivation at the start.  Now?  My motivation is all those people that have been so incredibly supportive.  Those that have given me advice.  Those that have believed in my abilities.  At this point, I'm like the little engine that could.  And, you know what?  I'm gonna "keep on keepin' on" until I get to my goal.  And, that is 13.1 :)

Moral of this story?  Go out and conquer your fears.  If you want to run, then run.  If you want to bungee jump, then take the plunge.  If you want to eat a tub of ice cream, then do it.  But, can you let me know when that happens so I can invite myself over?  That'd be great!

On that note, the Kenyans called.  They heard about my story and need some running advice ;)

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