Sunday, March 17, 2013

Three Point One

They say you should write  about what you know.  I don't know much about running, but I'm sure gonna write about it.  Yesterday, I did something that I was sure I'd never be able to do...I ran a 5K.

For those of you who aren't in the know, a 5K is the equivalent of 3.1 miles.  Before, this was an unattainable distance to my former overweight self.  Heck, I could barely run the 2 mile Schweizer Fest run.  And, I use the term "run" very loosely.  I've participated in several SF runs, but was never able to actually run the entire race.  And, I always felt like I needed CPR at the finish line.  Most of the spectators probably thought I needed it, too!!  My dad actually ran the race with me years ago after he had lost several pounds.  That race always stands out in my mind because, as he was effortlessly running way ahead of me (so far, in fact, I couldn't even see his bald head), a man who I know yelled, "your sixty year-old dad is beating you!".  Talk about a reality check.  Yes, my dad did beat me and then some that year and I even think he got second in his age group.  Me?  Well, let's just say I won the award for THE most out-of-breath and red-faced participant.  I sucked.  Everyone kept telling me how awesome it was just to have been out pounding the pavement so early on a weekend.  I never really believed that statement until yesterday.  Remember?  I ran a 5K.

A few weeks ago, I signed up to run the St. Patrick's Day Dash.  My goal was to run the entire race, never mind the fact that I hadn't run much at all in the last several months.  So, I decided I should probably give it a whirl on the treadmill.  How hard could it be?  Ha!  I had lost my muffin top, so I figured it would be a piece of cake!  Anyway, over the last couple of weeks, I was able to run 3.14, 3.67 and finally 5.58 miles on the treadmill!!  I flexed my muscles a bit after my last treadmill run, an hour of non-stop running.  I felt like the energizer bunny...I kept going...and going...and going.  I just knew I would be ready come race day.

Over the last several months, I've really done A LOT of research on fitness and nutrition.  I wanted to lose weight the right way.  The safe way.  No gimmicks, no pills.  Just losing it the old-fashioned way...eating healthy and exercising.  So, I've researched.  And, studied.  And, asked a lot of questions.  I went straight to those who had lost weight and kept it off.  I wanted to know all their secrets, especially if I was going to coach a BL team.  This week, I scoured the net for foods to eat the night before and the morning of a race.  I followed it right down to the "your last bite should be chewed twelve hours before you start the race".  Yes, I didn't eat a single bite after eight o'clock Friday evening!  There are far worse things than going to bed hungry!  

Yesterday morning, the alarm on my phone went off at 5:35 AM!!!  Who gets up that early on a weekend off from work?  Yep, this newbie runner.  After consuming a light breakfast, I stretched, made sure my playlist was set and laced up my green and pink sneakers.  Sure, I felt as if I could vomit, but I was ready!  This was it.  It was now or never.

After a pretty drive to Owensboro, Team Everbody's was ready!!  It was great to see so many people show up, whether their goal was to run, walk or do a little bit of both.  It was especially great to see my RED TEAM represented so well...we had seven team members there...I was one happy coach!!  After a few pre-race rules, I was off.  I started out slow because I've made the mistake in the past of just going all out at the very beginning.  Makes sense that if you start out really fast, you get to the finish line faster...ha ha!  So, I started out slow.  I felt good.  Alicia Keys' "Girl on Fire" was the first song that I heard yesterday.  What a great opening song to get me going!  If you don't have it on your playlist, I suggest you download!  Although the tempo is not as fast-paced as what I like when running, it's motivating...powerful...and just what I needed at the start.  The 5K route was designed so all the runners ahead of me had to run right by me to get back to the finish line...I liked this idea.  It was neat to see all my friends and gym family giving a "thumbs up" or a high-five along the way.  You wanna know what else was neat?  Crossing the damn finish line in my fastest time ever of 32.14!!!!  I never had to stop to walk...I ran the entire 3.1 of THE proudest moments of my life to date!  Another proud moment was seeing several of my red team members reaching their personal goals.  The only downside about yesterday...I was so nervous, I forgot to turn on my Nike Run app on my phone so I have no idea what my pace times were yesterday...lesson learned for next time!!!  

Even this morning, I can't stop smiling.  I ran my very first 5K.  I never stopped to walk.  I made it under my own personal goal.  And, I never quit.  Running is hard...very hard.  What kept me going was something a fellow runner said to me a few days ago...just put one foot in front of the other.  That's exactly what I did and my feet, courage and a little bit of faith carried me to the first of many finish lines.


Besides, even Jesus loves turtles!! :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Patience, Young Grasshopper! :)

We've all heard of virtues.  According to any standard dictionary, a virtue is defined as behaving showing high moral standards or a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person.  Sure, I consider myself generous, caring, courteous, friendly, etc...but the one virtue that has baffled me for most of  my adult life is PATIENCE.  Why am I not more patient?  Why do I always want what I want when I want it?  I never understood the full value of being patient until I stepped on the dreaded scale in September.

Most of you know the ins and outs of my weight-loss journey, so I won't bore you with all the details.  What I will share with you is my journey to being a more patient person and how that's spilling over into other areas of my life.

I've being overweight most of my adult life.  Just like most of you, I would gain, then lose...gain, then lose, gain...and, well you know the rest.  I used every excuse in the book, with the biggest one being my underactive thyroid.  I figured that was the culprit which was making me fat...that tiny gland in one's throat that is responsible for so many body functions.  Once I realize that I couldn't hide behind my stupid excuses, I decided that I needed to make a change...or else.  Of course, like most of you, I wanted 50 pounds gone in one week.  Seems reasonable, right?  WRONG!!  I finally made a decision that, if I was going to finally be successful at losing weight AND keeping it off, I'd need to explore this patience thing that I'd heard so much about over the years.

Fast-forward to present day, which is six months along the journey to a new and improved me.  Have I completely mastered the art of patience?  Not exactly.  But, I feel I've developed the tools that will allow me to seek that virtue more and more, even outside my weight-loss journey.  Losing weight has actually been the best idea I've ever had.  I have grown so much as a person, no pun intended!  Ha!  I used to second-guess and doubt.  Now, I know that I can and will make it to my goal of losing 50 lbs...FIFTY POUNDS!!!  Who does that?  Well, I'm hopeful that I can add my name to the list!

My journey has taught me so many valuable lessons.  Many of you who have done this before have probably learned some of the same lessons.  I can honestly say that I like myself completely for the first time in my life.  Now, I know it's okay NOT to be perfect.  It's okay if I have a little cellulite.  It's okay if I splurge once a week because I know I will get back on track the next day.  It's okay if I nearly fall off the elliptical at the gym (which actually happened this week after I noticed a cute guy a few machines over from me...yes, I'm still a klutz!!).  It's okay if I take a few days off from working out.  AND, it's okay if I don't know what's next.  I've learned to take it one pound at a time.  There have been a few weeks that I have gained weight.  I threw my little mental tantrum, then got over it.  My journey has had its ups and downs. I've been knocked down but the most important part is that I've gotten back up, dusted myself off and continued on the road.  It's okay if I'm not married with a houseful of kids at my age.  I've always been told that you have to love yourself before you could expect anyone else to love you.  Well, I think it's MY time.  I'm ready.

For anyone who is still on the fence about taking the step to be healthier, I say GO FOR IT!  There is a HUGE obesity epidemic in this country and we need to practice some tough love with each other and do something about it.  Take care of your body.  Use it everyday.  Besides, it's the only place you have to live.  This journey should NOT be about restrictions and deprivations, as I have been taught.  Instead, it should be about making small changes that are realistic and that you can stick with for many years down the road.

"You will get there when you are meant to get there and not one moment relax, breathe and be patient".

I found this quote recently and it sums up my life these days.  So universe, I'll say this to you...I'm patiently waiting for whatever or whomever comes next.  And, for once, I'm not nervous or afraid!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How Do You Measure, Measure A Year?

There are 525,600 minutes in a year.  And, if you've ever seen the musical "Rent", there's even a song about it.  The lyrics ask, "how do you measure, measure a year?"

It seemed like just yesterday I was ringing in a new year...I had high hopes for my life in 2012, as I'm sure millions of people had the same thoughts.  We all make resolutions to lose weight, be more kind, patient, and the list goes on and on and on.  I never make resolutions because I rarely, make that NEVER, stick to any of them.  Sure, I am good for the month of January, then it seems to go downhill quickly.  I think it's the fact that the sun rarely shines until about mid-March!  So, at this time last year, I really had no set plan for 2012.  Basically, I just wanted to make it to see another year.  Well, I did and then some...

The year unfolded as most have done for the past several years.  Meet new people, make new memories, spend time with old and new friends, work, eat, sleep and repeat.  Nothing really monumental happened until September 5th.  Granted, the year prior to this date was great!  Looking back, though, I can say this was the day that gave me my life back.  Yes, it sounds corny.  But, it's my story and my life.  If you wanna continue reading, better grab a snack!!

Let me tell you what led me to Sept. 5th...I joined a new gym last February.  In may, the gym advertised a "Biggest Loser" competition.  I didn't sign up because, at that time, I told myself I couldn't do it and didn't need to lose weight.  This is coming from someone who, prior to this year, didn't like to step on a scale.  In my mind, I was healthy if I worked out.  Hell, I worked out so I could eat complete crap 24/7.  In August, after the success of the first BL contest, there was talk of doing a second one.  Something told me to pay attention this time.  I can't really pinpoint what made me want to consider this...maybe it was the talk I had with myself.  Yes, I actually sat myself down and had a talk with myself.  Why couldn't I do this?  It seemed like so many others had had was my turn.  For years, I had come up with some of the best (and lamest) excuses as to why I couldn't lose weight...I blamed it on my thyroid, working nights, the weather, etc!!  So, after my "talking to" with myself, I signed up.  I thought that, if it was a big flop again, I was only out $10.

Fast-forward to Sept 5th.  I remember that Wednesday well.  I put on my "gym best" and marched my happy ass down to the gym.  I was gonna show the scale who was boss.  I really had no idea how much I weighed but, when I stepped on the scale, I was SHOCKED...204 lbs.  Yes, you read that right.  204 big lbs!!!  Surely, this was some kind of mistake.  I am addicted to the gym and I weight 204 lbs?  Part of me wanted to run away and hide.  I'm not gonna lie...I was nearly in tears.  I had let myself go and I hated the number staring back at me.  At that moment, it was time to show the world (and myself) that I could do it this time!

I won't relive the entire 11 weeks.  Long story short, I lost 27.2 lbs during the competition, was named my team's "biggest loser" for losing the highest percentage of weight and came in 2nd among over 100 participants!  WTH?  Yes, I almost won the whole damn contest!  Me, who almost didn't sign up.  Me, who has gained and lost so much weight over the last 10 years.  Me, who didn't think I could even lose five pounds!!  Wow, talk about a life-changing last quarter of 2012!!

I can't imagine living through something as HUGE as weight loss and not learning anything.  In 11 weeks, I lost 27.2 lbs...that's the average weight for a two year-old boy or girl!  I lost a child!!  Ha ha!  Since the contest ended, I've lost an additional 3-4 pounds, bringing my total so far to around 31-32 lbs.  I am still in awe of what I've accomplished.  Yes, I talk about it all the time and some of you might be tired of hearing it.  You know what?  I don't care.  When it comes to weight loss, I say brag away!

Okay, here comes the point in the story where I tell you what I've learned.  I can do anything...anything!! Before I started this journey, I wasn't so sure.  Now, I know that, no matter what life throws at me, I can conquer it!  Also, I found something I'd being lacking for so many confidence.  If you've never been overweight, then maybe you don't understand this.  Maybe you've known me for years or maybe you just see me about town and still don't get this.  I've always hidden behind mt weight and used it as a crutch to NOT do a lot of different things because I didn't think I could...NEVER AGAIN!  I learned that I am such a strong person, mentally AND physically!  I finally believe in myself and I think that, no matter your abilities, your belief can take you to places that you once thought you could never travel!!  I also learned that accountability is key.  Knowing that I had to weigh-in every week and hold myself accountable to my team helped me tremendously.  I am certain that I couldn't have done this on my own.  I will never forget the support that I received from my Everbody's family, my team and my friends and family!  At times, I was in tears...and, if you know me well, you know I don't cry!

About a month ago, I was asked by the owners of the gym if I wanted to be a coach during the third "biggest loser" contest.  I laughed it off and didn't think much about it until they kept on asking...they are very persistent!  Why not me?  I trusted in the process and it worked for me.  Surely I could teach others!  I finally said yes.  Apparently, they believe in me enough and feel I'm fully capable of the task at hand and, for that, I am most grateful!

So, there you have it, folks.  I've gotten rid of 32 lbs. since Sept. 5th and I have no intention of finding the weight ever again!  Yes, seeing 172 on the scale is mind-blowing!  But, I think what's even cooler is the fact that I have actually inspired others to do what I nervously did four months ago...join the "biggest loser" contest!  That's what makes me happy...hearing that I have inspired someone to join a gym, walk to work, eat a little less and move a little more.  How awesome!  I still have about 10-13 more pounds I'd like to lose and, although it might be difficult, I will reach my goal!!

Finally, I now know how you measure a year...2012.  I measure it with weight loss, and confidence, and courage and paying it forward.  I truly believe that I was meant to join the competition.  Not so much for the shrinking waistline, but for the ability to help change people's lives as so many people have done for me!

A new year is upon us.  I want to pay it forward and help those of you if are ready to change your life!  There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.  May 2013 bring you happiness, health, love, peace and the ability to regain your own life.  I'm living proof that YOU can do it, too!