Friday, March 8, 2013

Patience, Young Grasshopper! :)

We've all heard of virtues.  According to any standard dictionary, a virtue is defined as behaving showing high moral standards or a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person.  Sure, I consider myself generous, caring, courteous, friendly, etc...but the one virtue that has baffled me for most of  my adult life is PATIENCE.  Why am I not more patient?  Why do I always want what I want when I want it?  I never understood the full value of being patient until I stepped on the dreaded scale in September.

Most of you know the ins and outs of my weight-loss journey, so I won't bore you with all the details.  What I will share with you is my journey to being a more patient person and how that's spilling over into other areas of my life.

I've being overweight most of my adult life.  Just like most of you, I would gain, then lose...gain, then lose, gain...and, well you know the rest.  I used every excuse in the book, with the biggest one being my underactive thyroid.  I figured that was the culprit which was making me fat...that tiny gland in one's throat that is responsible for so many body functions.  Once I realize that I couldn't hide behind my stupid excuses, I decided that I needed to make a change...or else.  Of course, like most of you, I wanted 50 pounds gone in one week.  Seems reasonable, right?  WRONG!!  I finally made a decision that, if I was going to finally be successful at losing weight AND keeping it off, I'd need to explore this patience thing that I'd heard so much about over the years.

Fast-forward to present day, which is six months along the journey to a new and improved me.  Have I completely mastered the art of patience?  Not exactly.  But, I feel I've developed the tools that will allow me to seek that virtue more and more, even outside my weight-loss journey.  Losing weight has actually been the best idea I've ever had.  I have grown so much as a person, no pun intended!  Ha!  I used to second-guess and doubt.  Now, I know that I can and will make it to my goal of losing 50 lbs...FIFTY POUNDS!!!  Who does that?  Well, I'm hopeful that I can add my name to the list!

My journey has taught me so many valuable lessons.  Many of you who have done this before have probably learned some of the same lessons.  I can honestly say that I like myself completely for the first time in my life.  Now, I know it's okay NOT to be perfect.  It's okay if I have a little cellulite.  It's okay if I splurge once a week because I know I will get back on track the next day.  It's okay if I nearly fall off the elliptical at the gym (which actually happened this week after I noticed a cute guy a few machines over from me...yes, I'm still a klutz!!).  It's okay if I take a few days off from working out.  AND, it's okay if I don't know what's next.  I've learned to take it one pound at a time.  There have been a few weeks that I have gained weight.  I threw my little mental tantrum, then got over it.  My journey has had its ups and downs. I've been knocked down but the most important part is that I've gotten back up, dusted myself off and continued on the road.  It's okay if I'm not married with a houseful of kids at my age.  I've always been told that you have to love yourself before you could expect anyone else to love you.  Well, I think it's MY time.  I'm ready.

For anyone who is still on the fence about taking the step to be healthier, I say GO FOR IT!  There is a HUGE obesity epidemic in this country and we need to practice some tough love with each other and do something about it.  Take care of your body.  Use it everyday.  Besides, it's the only place you have to live.  This journey should NOT be about restrictions and deprivations, as I have been taught.  Instead, it should be about making small changes that are realistic and that you can stick with for many years down the road.

"You will get there when you are meant to get there and not one moment relax, breathe and be patient".

I found this quote recently and it sums up my life these days.  So universe, I'll say this to you...I'm patiently waiting for whatever or whomever comes next.  And, for once, I'm not nervous or afraid!!

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