Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Good Thing I Learned How To Read Last Week...

I recently read a book.  Yes, I know how to read.  Surprise!  The title?  "Redeeming Love".  Before I go any further, I beg all of you to run out and read it.  Why, you ask?  I'm gonna tell you.

In one word, it's amazing.  Plain and simple.  I was hooked from the first word.  I won't go into all the wonderful details of the book (you'll just have to read it), but I will say this.  However you felt about God before, it will certainly change your opinion once you're done.  For the better.

After finishing the book this morning, I started thinking about change.  And, people.  Long story short (don't worry, it doesn't give much away), it's about true change.  True honest-to-goodness change.  And, love.  Unconditional love.  Unrelenting Love.  Everlasting love.   Change and love.  Two great themes that are woven throughout the entire book.

Change.  Is it always a good thing?  I suppose it is if you're ready for it.  I've never been a huge fan of it.  Okay, so maybe when it comes to underwear, I'm its biggest fan.  Otherwise, no thanks.  But, maybe it CAN be a good thing.  Basically, what you didn't expect to happen has happened.  You can deal with it or throw yourself a pity party.  Either way, it doesn't affect the outcome.  So, maybe more of us should embrace change.  I'm learning.  I like routines.  Change disrupts all of that.  It takes you outside of your proverbial "comfort zone" and forces you to see a situation from a different vantage point.  Can people change?  Most definitely.  Should we label people one way because of his or her past?  Absolutely not.  I don't know about you, but I never claimed to be perfect.  And, neither should any of you.  This book proves that.  I'll let you discover how.

Unconditional Love.  Is that even real?  Can any of us really love anything or anyone without question, cause for concern,  or judgment?  I feel like I loved a pet that much once.  Growing up, we had two cats.  Pebbles and Snoopy.  Pebbles, was precious.  But, she peed all over the house.  Literally.  I didn't see that as a major problem.  Because, I was five.  And, I wet the bed.  I felt like we had a lot in common.  And, it wasn't my place to judge.  I just loved that cat and cried when she was carted off to be put to sleep.  I'll never forget standing at the front door with tears streaming down my pudgy little face.  Snoopy, on the other hand?  Well, he was evil.  The only person he could stand was my dad.  Everyone else could go to hell, in his eyes.  I had half a mind to put that damn cat in a crate myself and bicycle my own rear end to the damn vet and hand him over.  I had unconditional love for sweet Pebbles.  Snoopy?  Well, there was no love lost.  

Moral of this blog?  Change your underwear.  Love your pets (even the ones that pee all over the furniture).  And, read that damn book.  But, really...change your dirty underwear first.  Hell, sit in your dirty underwear reading the book while you watch your own pet pee all over the place.  Just go out and get the book.  You won't regret it.  And, neither will fluffy.  Or, your "tighty-whities".  Or, your granny panties.  Or, your thong.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious Em! Laughed as I sat here in read in my underwear!! lol
