Friday, March 11, 2011

The First...

Well, I took the leap.  No, not off a cliff.  I have caved in, so to speak, and  joined the ranks of all the other millions of bloggers out there.  Never mind it's a Friday night and I'm sitting in my pajamas eating ice cream.  Don't judge.  So, my life is not exactly chic and hip.  So what?  It's still my life.  I'm gonna write about it. And, all of you are gonna like it.

First of all, I am clumsy.  It should come as no surprise that I have specific names for almost all of my infamous falls.  I clearly remember the first time I really hit the pavement hard.  It was in college.  IU, to be exact.  I was in line at the dining hall.  On the menu?  Chinese.  Also on the menu that night?  My first funny fall.  Well, it wasn't all that comical at the time, but makes me giggle thinking about it now.  Okay, back to the dining hall.  There I was, waiting in line to get some grub.  I am sure my mouth was salivating from all the glorious food in front of me.  Right before I got up to the buffet, I took a tumble.  Apparently, no one told me there was some sweet and sour sauce spilled on the floor.  Well, down I went.  And, what was this fall named?  That's right, it was the "Will You Marry Me?" fall.  Because, that's how I went down.  On one knee.  Yep.  Graceful.  To this day, I still chuckle every time I am at a Chinese buffet.  Good time.  

Second of all, I am crazy.  Not in the "let's commit her" kind of way.  More of "this girl is just plain silly" kind of way.  Most people are just too serious.  Life's too short.  Sure, there are many times when it's not okay to crack a joke.  But, there are many times (A LOT!) that silliness, laughter and a smart mouth are highly welcomed.  And, encouraged.  Maybe it's my defense mechanism.  If I don't know what to say, I make fun of myself.  Granted, I'm no Chelsea Handler, but I think I can hold my own among certain company.  Not so very long ago, a guy told me that I was the biggest smartass he'd ever met.  Well, I'll wear the crown with pride.

The last part of the title needs no explanation.  If you know me, you know I am cool.  Period.  

So, this is the subject of my very first blog.  I am sure I'll win the Pulitzer for blog writing.  If anyone would like to submit it, that would be awesome.  Just remember, I'll mention you in my speech.  Right after God, of course :)

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